Healthy, Happy Living
Small Business Directory
Healthy, Happy Living
Small Business Directory
Healthy, Happy Living
Small Business Directory
Healthy, Happy Living
Small Business Directory
Town or City (TWN/CITY) locations are listed 1st in alphabetical order "A-K" (representing Cameron and Fenelon Falls) or "L-Z" (representing Lindsay, Peterborough, Whitby, and Pickering). Business names are then listed in alphabetical order under their TWN/CITY location.
The following Businesses that serve a greater area are located at the top of the NATURE FRIENDLY A-K page:
· PRO-CERT Organic Systems Ltd.
· HydroFLOW Canada
· Glass Doctor
Additional Businesses are listed in alphabetical order according to Town or City location. For example, to view a business advertising under FOOD & DRINK (such as Rocky Ridge Drinking Water) with a location in Peterborough, click on FOOD & DRINK L-Z TWN/CTY in the Navigation Bar or Dropdown Menu and scroll down to Peterborough to find Rocky Ridge Drinking Water listed in alphabetical order.
BOUTIQUE/SPECIALTY STORES: Fenelon Falls, Lindsay, Newcastle, Peterborough, Port Perry
FASHION & BEAUTY: Lindsay, Port Perry, Whitby
FOOD & DRINK, A-K TWN/CITY: Bowmanville, Brooklin
FOOD & DRINK, L-Z TWN/CITY: Lindsay, Peterborough, Port Perry, Whitby
HEALTH & WELLNESS: Ajax, Bowmanville, Lindsay, Newmarket, Peterborough, Pickering, Scarborough, Uxbridge & Collingwood, Whitby
HOME & GARDEN, A-K TWN/CITY: Ajax, Aurora, Bowmanville, Brock & Surrounding Areas, GTA North & East
HOME & GARDEN, L-O TWN/CTY: Lindsay; Lindsay (including Lakefield, Bridgenorth, Millbrook, and Coboconk); Oshawa & Courtice; Oshawa
HOME & GARDEN, P-S TWN/CTY: Peterborough, Pickering, Scarborough, Sunderland & Surrounding Area
HOME & GARDEN, L-Z TWN/CITY: Uxbridge, Whitby, Pickering
MARKET & FARMS: Ajax, Ashburn, Bowmanville, Brooklin, Kinmount, Newcastle, Oshawa, Peterborough, Whitby
ONLINE STORES: Avant-Garden Shop, J'adore, Lutin De Forêt Pixies, That Place On Queen, Cathy Allan Ladies Wear, Kent Florist, Simply British Foods, Healthy Planet, Kate & Co. Home, Annie's Quilt Shop, White Willow Loft
REAL ESTATE: Oshawa & Surrounding Areas
RECREATION & AMENITIES: Brooklin-Whitby, Lindsay, Oshawa, Port Perry
RESTAURANTS & EATERIES A-L TWN/CITY: Lindsay, Also click on NATURE FRIENDLY A-0 to see Lotus Indian Bistro Ad
RESTAURANTS & EATERIES M-Z TWN/CITY: Oshawa, Peterborough, Port Perry, Whitby
SPECIAL OCCASIONS: Lindsay- Florist, Uxbridge & Surrounding Areas- Wedding Officiant
There's Always Something Unique to Experience and Enjoy!
Durham Region, Peterborough County, and the City of Kawartha Lakes are known for their natural landscape and lakeside attractions, charming downtown areas, quaint villages, and cities with upscale activities. For visitors and locals, there are fabulous restaurants and eateries, unique boutiques, specialty stores, and places with artistic flair.
Visit the parks and conservation areas; walk, bike, and hike the trails.
Enjoy relaxing times in natural settings throughout the seasons.
You can participate in a diversity of multicultural interests and special events. Express yourself in creative ways!
We do our best to promote eco-friendly products and services along with healthy, happy lifestyles. In addition, thank you to all our Advertisers as their financial contributions help to fund SELECT Nature Projects. Thanks to everyone who supports Mother Nature and the biodiversity of the planet.
You can also connect with us on Instagram @selectdirectory and @selectnaturefriendly. Explore our new TikTok posts @selectdirectory.
Let us know all about your favourite businesses and places to visit in Southern Ontario, Canada.
Editor: Mari Lucas
Graphic Design: Mari Lucas
Contact Jade: 705-320-9309
Our NATURE FRIENDLY PAGE is all about Businesses that offer products and services that fulfill two or more of the following criteria:
· Canadian Made
· Certified Organic, Organic, or Natural
· Nature Friendly
· Sustainable
Click on NATURE FRIENDLY A-K or L-Z in the navigation bar or dropdown menu to view Businesses.
We support Nature by planting trees, dispersing wildflower seeds, and helping critically endangered species. In addition, our focus is to assist the preservation of pollinators such as plants, animals, birds and bees, butterflies and other winged.
Thank you to our sponsors and contributors for your kindness. Nature is a life-giving force in harmony with our ability to be sustainable and respectful toward all aspects of the natural continuum. Every positive step helps.
Copyright 2023, 2024 by MARI L PRODUCTIONS and SELECT Directory Healthy, Happy Living. All rights reserved. This publication, all or in part, may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form/means by electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior written permission from a representative of MARI L PRODUCTIONS. Ad copy remains to be the property of the respective Businesses advertising on this website, and are the expressed views and opinions of the individual Advertisers and Writers. SELECT Directory Healthy, Happy Living and its employees do not accept responsibility or liability for such Persons' or Businesses' Ad content, activities, claims made, errors, any loss or damage, or injury; and are not responsible for the outcome of any action or decision based on the information contained within this website.
The health and wellness information appearing on this website is for educational and informal purposes and is not intended to replace the medical advice of a qualified healthcare professional.